Comparative comparison of literacy status in Perls test between Iran, Singapore, Russian Federation, Hong Kong and China

Document Type : Original Article




The purpose of this article was to compare the reading literacy status in Iran's 2016 Pearls test with Singapore, Russian Federation, Hong Kong, China and provide suggested solutions. The survey method with the help of Brady model has the stages of description, interpretation, adjacency and comparison. The data collection tool is multiple checklists by separating the elements related to the contexts and contexts of reading learning and the main factors related to the school and the results of Perls, which were arranged in the form of 14 general items. The validity of the documents and documents collected through internal and external review and finally the results of the analyzes showed the similarity and success factors of the three countries of Singapore, Russia and Hong Kong, having a decentralized educational structure, paying attention to the mother tongue, educational materials and sufficient finance, access to technology and educational media, early detection and support of students with reading disorders, training and professional development of teachers, attention to the quality of education in the preschool period, cooperation and participation of all responsible bodies in strengthening the reading culture, The appropriate number of students in the class, taking into account the time of reading instruction and the implementation of innovative designs in the field of literacy, etc., all these things are considered to be their strengths and progress, but in contrast, Iran has not paid enough attention to these things. and has resulted in poor results in the Perls test. Therefore, at the end, based on the obtained results, practical suggestions were presented in order to solve the weaknesses.............
