Investigating the Practicum Program in Iraq

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Department of Educational Sciences, Farhangian University, markazi Province

2 Instructor, faculty member of Farhangian University of markazi Province


This study aimed to investigate the practicum program in universities and teacher education centers in Iraq. The data were collected through library documents, official reports, the websites of teacher education universities and Iraqi Ministry of Education. The analysis of data revealed that the practicum program fir elementary education is run in Babel Al-Asasiyah University. It is done in the second semester of the third year and the second semester of the fourth year in two stages: observation and practical implementation. For other school subjects of guidance school and high school, this program is run in the seventh and eighth semesters in other Iraqi universities for 36 weeks. In the seventh semester, after the observation stage, the student teachers are required to teach one class per week in one of the schools. In the eighth semester, they must teach two classes, one in guidance school and one in high schools. Moreover, they must observe at least two classes taught by their classmates and complete a special checklist. Therefore, the practicum program in Iraq includes the following stages: 1. observation, 2. participation, 3. practical implementation or independent teaching.


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