Comparative Study of Reactive Education Policies in Germany, South Korea and Iran Period Covid 19 Pandemic

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant farhangyan university, education teacher

2 Master's degree student, Azad University, Gachsaran branch

3 Master of educational administration, educational teacher, Tehran, Iran


The aim of this study was to make a comparative analysis of the official and field policies in the field of school education adopted by the three countries (Germany, South Korea, Iran), during the forced closure period due to the coronavirus. Given this goal and the common denominator of the crisis, it was decided that this study should be conducted internationally among all countries of the world. For this purpose, the two countries of Germany and South Korea, each of which has a high level in terms of industry, technology and education in Asia and Europe were selected along with Iran as the final sample. The difference method was used to analyze and compare the educational policies of the sample countries in the categories of decision making, strategy, alternative ways and tools. The required data in the form of a descriptive-descriptive version of the executive decisions registered in the official portals of those countries; and articles on the status of sample countries published in the online education and coronavirus categories. The results of descriptive analysis showed that all the three countries were relatively successful in terms of decision-making, finding alternative ways of face-to-face education and producing appropriate tools for online education. The only difference was in the strategy. The results showed that the Islamic Republic of Iran, despite efforts to compensate for face-to-face training, lacked an appropriate and uniform strategy to achieve the goal.


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