A Comparative Study of Information and Communication Technology in Teacher Education System of Iran and Malaysia

Document Type : Original Article


International scientific cooperation and relation of farhnagyan teacher education


The purpose of this study was a comparative study of information and communication technology in teacher education system of Iran and Malaysia. This research is a qualitative study using George Z. F. Bereday's comparative model that has four stages: description, interpretation, juxtaposition, and comparison, and has compared information and communication technology in the teacher education system of Iran and Malaysia with the analytical-inferential method. The reason for choosing Malaysia is being Muslim, cultural closeness and focusing on fundamental reforms in the teacher education system like Iran. The information needed to answer the question was obtained through library documents, the websites of the Ministry of Education, and the universities and teacher training institutes of the two countries. The results show that both countries have made great efforts in the use of information and communication technology in teacher training curriculum and have provided courses, while the manner and extent of the use of information and communication technology in the two countries are different. One of the main differences between information and communication technology in the Iranian teacher education system and Malaysia is the subtle point that in Iran this issue, like other courses, is one of the courses that students must pass, while in Malaysian teacher education all courses have the nature and aspect of technology. Therefore, student-teachers cannot have success in other subjects without having ICT skills. This research can help teacher education officials in Iran in terms of policy-making, planning and review by citing, adapting and using Malaysian information and communication technology policies to study this issue in Farhangian University and take steps to improve information and communication technology in teacher education system in Iran.


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